Meals on Wheels
· Northwest MI Community Action Agency, 231-947-3780 or 1-800-632-7334
Senior Luncheon Centers
· Northwest MI Community Action Agency, 231-775-9781
Durable Medical Equipment
Senior Services
· Northwest MI Area Agency on Aging, 1609 Park Drive, Traverse City, 231-947-8920, provides information/referral and case management to seniors.
· Aging & Disability Resource Collaborative, 866-642-4582, services are for anyone of any age who may need long-term care supports and services. ADRCNM will help find what services are available in your community such as assistance with dressing, bathing, assistance getting to appointment, Skilled Nursing Facility transitions back into the home, and financial assistance for support and care, filling out disability paperwork, etc.
· Share Care of Leelanau County,
Dental Care· Traverse Health Clinic, 3147 Logan Valley Road, Traverse City, 231-935-0810 (Serves Leelanau, Grand Traverse and Benzie counties)
Medical treatment· Traverse Health Clinic, 3147 Logan Valley Road, Traverse City, 231-935-0668
Vision· Vision Program, Traverse Health Clinic 3147 Logan Valley Road, Traverse City, 231-935-0799
Prescription & Co-Pay Assistance·
Healthwell Foundation , 800-675-8416 or·
Together Rx Access, 800-444-4106·
CancerCare Co-Payment Assistance Foundation, 1-800-813-4673·
Chronic Disease Fund, 1-877-968-7233·
Patient Advocate Foundation Co-Pay Relief Program, 1-866-512-3861,· Partnership for Prescription Assistance (PPARx), 1-888-477-2669,
Insurance Assistance·
HIP Michigan,, affordable health coverage for people who are otherwise unable to purchase health insurance due to pre-existing conditions.· Patient Services, Inc. (PSI) 800-366-7741
Financial Assistance·
Cancer Fund for Leelanau County Residents,
Contact Bev Warnaar at 231-935-6259,
Brenda Bartz at 231-935-2796,
Jane Rolf at 231-935-6691,
Leone Powell at 231-932-7127, or
Laurie Patrick at 231-935-6921.
Fund can provide help during treatment for transportation, utilities, food, gas, etc. · Help Link, 231-334-4563
Legal Assistance·
Cancer Legal Resource Center, 1-866-843-2572,, Hours: M-F, 9a-5p, Pacific Time
Mental Health Services·
Traverse Health Clinic, 3147 Logan Valley Road, Traverse City, 231-935-0810
Cancer Support Groups·
Northport Cancer Support Group,
meets 1st Monday from 5:15-6:45p at Trinity Church, Fellowship Hall.
For more information call Terry Gremel, 231-386-7715·
Cancer Support Community, 1-888-793-9355,, on line support groups for patients and caregivers.
Cancer Support Organizations·
The American Cancer Society,
Live Strong/Lance Armstrong Foundation,
Diagnosis Specific Cancer Support Organizations·
Mission 4 Maureen,
brain tumor patients·
Susan G. Komen,1-877-465-6636,,
breast cancer patients·
Sisters Network, Inc., 1-866-781-1808,,
African-American breast cancer
survivorship organization, providing financial and emotional support and assistance. ·
Men Against Breast Cancer,
1-866-547-6222,, support services for men who have a loved one with breast cancer.·
Caring from a Distance,, support for long-distance caregivers.
Local Transportation·
BATA, County Ride Program 231-941-2324
Air Travel Assistance
Wings of Mercy, 231-941-9767
Angel Flight, 800-296-3797
North Flight EMS, 800-922-6170
Food Pantries·
Leelanau Christian Neighbors.
218 W Madison, Suttons Bay, 231-271-6036, Hours Mon-Wed, 1p-3p
Michigan 2-1-1 is an easy way to find help of all kinds, right in your community. Need help with food, housing, or paying bills? Need support in a family crisis or community disaster? We’re here for you. Any time. All the time. Just call, text, or search online and we’ll get you connected.
Blessings in a Back Pack
Baby Pantry
Food Pantry
Emergency Financial Assistance
Senior Safety
Meals on Wheels
Ride to a Medical Appointment
Foot Care Vouchers
Current Health Issues
Environmental Health
Personal Health
Emergency Preparedness
Assistance Programs
Adult and Children Services
Safety and Injury Prevention
Keeping Michigan Healthy
Women's Resource Center
720 S Elmwood, Ste 2
Traverse City, MI 49684
Ph 231-941-1210
Fax 231-941-1734
Services are structured to help seniors remain living in their own home.
All Faiths... All Incomes... All Families...
Freedom Builders exists to connect the family of God with the disadvantaged through volunteer opportunities serving housing assistance projects.
Formerly SAGE Metro Detroit, MiGen provides services, advocacy, fun, and connection to LGBTQ+ folks ages 45+. At MiGen, we believe in vibrant, authentic lives at any age, safe spaces and connected communities.
The Trevor Project is the leading suicide prevention and crisis intervention nonprofit organization for LGBTQ young people. We provide information & support to LGBTQ young people 24/7, all year round.